Mlesna Maple Syrup Tea Review

Mlesna Maple Syrup Tea Review

Maple syrup tea?! Yes, it’s a real thing and you’ve stumbled upon it. This is my full review of Mlesna Maple Tea. It’s not the only maple syrup tea out there, but it’s a good one to get started with.

Mlesna aren’t a hugely well-known brand, but they are far reaching. You can find their teas all over the world but the easiest place to find them is usually Amazon, where a third-party seller is trying to shift a load!

In my review below, find out what this tea tastes like, how I brewed it, and a link to take you straight to it on Amazon.

Mlesna Maple Tea at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Blend: Black tea with maple syrup flavouring
  • Flavour: Plain, slightly bitter black tea with sweet syrupy aftertaste

Plain black tea, very standard, with syrupy notes in the aftertaste. Best consumed with a good spoonful of maple syrup and milk, to boost the richness.

mlesna maple syrup tea wrappers

Full Review – Maple Syrup Tea

Izzy's Rating
  • Type: Tagged paper filter tea bag
  • Tea: Ceylon black tea
  • Additives: Maple syrup flavouring
  • Flavour Notes: Plain, bitter, sweet syrup
  • Aroma: Maple syrup, honey, fluffy pancakes, caramel
  • Milk or Lemon: Milk
  • Where to Buy: Amazon

The initial aroma doesn’t disappoint! The maple syrup is very strong smelling, instantly taking your mind back to the last time you feasted on fluffy American pancakes drizzled with syrup and melted butter. I like bananas with my pancakes, but that’s another article entirely.


The tea brews into a very dark yet oddly clear mahogany brown tea colour that doesn’t seem strong enough to enjoy with milk. But trust me, you can. The aroma of the brewed tea is more caramel-like than syrup-like, and still the black tea base doesn’t give off much at all.

As for the flavour, it’s disappointingly plain. The black tea is warm but slightly bitter which ruins the experience. The sticky sweet syrup notes come in during the aftertaste at the back of your mouth. At least the mouthfeel is nice – it’s quite thick yet also slick and smooth. It’s warming and comforting as it glides over your tongue.

I just wish the flavour was as mouth-watering as the Mlesna Maple Syrup tea aroma.

black maple tea in white mug

How to Brew Mlesna Maple Tea

Use water at around 95°C, rather than boiling. You don’t need to be precise, just let the kettle cool for a minute before you pour water onto the teabag. I used 1 teabag per 250ml of water. If you’re brewing a larger mug, consider using 2 teabags as they only contain 1.5g each.

Add a little milk if desired, and then bump the sweetness. If you don’t have any real maple syrup to add, I recommend using golden syrup instead of honey. It has a richer tone that plays so well with black tea.

Go on, have a few biscuits with this tea too.

Why Ceylon Mlesna Tea Bags?

There’s not much to say about Mlesna except that their internet presence is poor, they seem to be more popular in Europe than the UK, and they source all their tea from Ceylon. Sri Lankan tea can be very nice, as I’ve found out in several tastings of Teakruthi and English Tea Shop.

mlesna maple tea bags

The problem with this tea is the quality of it, and wherever Mlesna source their tea from. Weak flavours and pronounced bitterness are the hallmark of a Mlesna tea in my kitchen.

I am happy with the maple syrup tea aroma, however. It’s one of the nicest smelling artificial syrups I’ve come across. Perhaps Mlesna should be making candles rather than tea!


I recommend you give this tea a try. It’s not got the best flavour but it’s worth brewing for the aroma alone. Hold a cup of hot Mlesna Maple Tea and you’ll be in the mood for some pancakes. I’ve managed to find it available on Amazon – use the button below or link above to go straight there.

Tea Recommendation

I’m adding new teas to the blog every week, so make sure you sign up to our newsletter for monthly round-up emails. To see the backlog of teas I’ve reviewed (it’s quite impressive) head to my Tea Review Index, where all my tea reviews are organised. If you have a tea suggestion for me, I’d love to hear it! Leave a comment below.

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