Tea People Coffee Truffle Review

Tea People Coffee Truffle Review

On the agenda today: take a wintry walk, wrap Christmas presents, review Tea People Coffee Truffle! This is a super unique tea that combining not one, not two, but three different beverages in one. It contains two types of tea plus cocoa and coffee to make a super rich and comforting beverage.

I have reviewed a tea and coffee blend before – English Tea Shop Coffee Cream – and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. So, I have some pretty high expectations going into this tea review.

Below you can learn more about what this tea tastes like, how to brew it, and where best to buy it if you’d like to give it a try too.

Tea People Coffee Truffle at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Blend: Puerh tea, black tea, coffee beans and cocoa with flavouring
  • Flavour: Gently flavoured black tea with mellow hints of coffee and cocoa

Despite having a rich and intense flavour that feels like a hug with every sip, the flavour of this tea is very subtle and gently warming. Coffee lovers might be disappointed with the lack of intensity, but as a tea drinker, I really appreciate how subtle it is!

tea people loose leaf tea pouch

Full Review – Tea People Coffee and Tea Blend

Izzy's Rating
  • Type: Loose leaf mixed
  • Tea: Black tea, puerh tea
  • Additives: Cocoa bits, coffee beans, flavouring
  • Flavour Notes: Gentle black tea, weak coffee, mellow
  • Aroma: Rich, dark chocolate, freshly roasted coffee beans, hot chocolate, mocha
  • Milk or Lemon: Neither
  • Where to Buy: Amazon UK or Tea People Website

The aroma coming from the dried tea leaves (and other ingredients) is dark and luxurious. There is a real depth of flavour and intensity that’s lovely. The dark chocolate notes are still sweet rather than bitter and the coffee beans add a freshly roasted note to the aroma.

Once brewed into a light, clear chocolate brown tea colour, the aroma develops in sweetness. Chocolate and coffee notes mingle together, like a mocha without the milk.

Oh, but the flavour is so light.

Each sip bathes your mouth in a gentle black tea with richness from the coffee, sweetness from the cocoa, and a little earthiness from the puerh. It’s all very subtle and light on your tongue – definitely not strong enough to add milk to.

Overall, I found it to be a light and energising tea with quite a caffeine punch. Yet it still remained quite light. Unlike other rich, milky coffee and hot chocolate drinks, I could definitely drink a cup after a large meal or on a full stomach without feeling guilty!

cup of tea people coffee truffle

How to Brew Coffee Truffle Tea

Tea People recommend using 1 teaspoon of loose leaf (make sure you get at least 1 coffee bean in your scoop) and brewing it for 3 to 4 minutes in near boiling water. This was spot-on for me! Tea People Coffee Truffle can certainly be brewed for longer, as the flavour is quite light. It prefers a long hot brew rather than a quick cool dip in your teacup.

Despite coffee brewing usually requiring totally different equipment, it will also brew naturally in the hot water alongside the tea and cocoa. You don’t need to do anything different for this tea compared to your usual PG Tips, for example.

It’s definitely too light to add milk and I found the cocoa added enough sweetness without any additional sugar being needed. If you want to make this tea more substantial, I recommend adding a plate of bourbons or chocolate digestives on the side.

Why Tea People?

Tea People are a British tea brand with a focus on premium ingredients and ethical partnerships. They label their tea as ‘Social Enterprise Tea’ and despite sounding a bit, well, communist, they’re actually doing a world of good. Tea People send 50% of their profits back to the communities that grow and process their teas, specifically to help and fund the education of the children living there.

puerh and black tea with coffee and cocoa

I really admire Tea People for their ethics, and I think their tea blends are delicious. My regular readers know that I love when tea brands use high quality ingredients. You can really see that this blend is high quality – tea leaf pieces are on the larger side, and you can actually see the whole coffee beans floating around in it!

This tea blend was awarded a Great Taste award in 2018 with the judges calling it a ‘millennial tea’ which I think is quite fitting. Mixing coffee and tea with a side of cocoa is a modern and delicious fusion.


Tea People Coffee Truffle is delicious and enticing. It’s warming albeit gentle and has a fabulous aroma. Knowing that part of the profits go back to the tea growing communities is also a huge plus and it makes every sip just a little bit sweeter.

You can buy this tea directly from Tea People or find it on Amazon. If you use the links in my article, I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase, but that’s at no additional cost to you.

Tea-Ware Recommendation

Tea People Coffee Truffle is the perfect brew to prepare in my warm and cosy Scandinavian-Style Teacups. They add a heaped teaspoon of hygge to every tea, coffee or hot chocolate you serve during the winter months. Find them in the Immortal Wordsmith store with free UK delivery.

Isobel Moore

Isobel Moore is a quiet, quirky and creative “human bean” whose favourite pastime is curling up with a cuppa and a good book.

Over the past 5 years, her tea reviews at Immortal Wordsmith have helped thousands of readers choose vibrant tea blends and single origin selections from fine, organic, and responsible tea companies.

As a professional content writer with a qualification in digital marketing, Isobel has worked with market-leading tea brands around the globe to develop their content marketing campaigns and gain exposure. Her professional portfolio can be found on Upwork.

Besides a deep-rooted passion for tea, Isobel writes on topics ranging from food and travel to wellness and literature.

Favourite Quote: “Manuscripts don’t burn” – Mikhail Bulgakov

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