Immortal Wordsmith – New Start

new start at Immortal Wordsmith highway

Find out what goes on behind the scenes on our blog and how we decided to take the site in a new direction with an Immortal Wordsmith new start.

It is a quiet Sunday afternoon in February, the weather has been quite pleasant over the last few days, a sure sign that spring is about to get underway. The last of the sunshine is fading and my room grows darker. It is almost 5pm.

In the background Bob Marley is singing “Don’t worry about a thing, every little thing gonna be alright.”

A perfect accompaniment to my mood as I tentatively write for this blog for the first time in months. A new start for Immortal Wordsmith with a new direction.

Initially, I started the website with a view to become self-sufficient by generating business directly from the website. It became a laborious task. I had no passion in generating revenue or consistently posting content about marketing or writing for that matter. I found I was generating a lot of revenue externally and the website gathered dust.

Last year, my business partner asked me if I wanted to close down the site; we were both making more than enough from our client base, and we didn’t need the website for income. It also was an expense to keep open, with subscriptions and server/hosting costs that often go unnoticed behind the scenes. Something told me, “No, don’t close it.”

The New Start – Immortal Wordsmith

Months passed and the website remained unused, and then I had an epiphany. Instead of using the website to generate money as a business, I would gather together a team of writers and we would use it as a platform for our passions, our projects and as a means to engage and reach out to the world around us.

Almost overnight the website went from being a dull, unclaimed space to being a hive of productivity. Over January we completely stripped out the old content and revamped the site with a new crisp and engaging interface. Then we started to co-ordinate and plan how we wanted to grow our following and what we wanted to achieve.

In a matter of 30 days the website was re-invigorated and filled with warmth and love and passion for our work. I doubt many will read this blog post, I have written it mainly for myself. Drawing a line under our previous failures and looking to build a bright and promising future.

If ever you find yourself facing a tough decision, always listen to your gut. I hope you enjoy the start of our new journey and I hope that you will love all the amazing and interesting content that is going to be filing up this site from now on.

Jon Logan

Jon Logan

Jon Logan is an editorial consultant and author that loves living life without boundaries. Over the past 5 years, his content at Immortal Wordsmith has helped thousands of readers gain new perspectives and discover fascinating stories. Jon holds several professional qualifications and is financially qualified in the UK. He left the humdrum world of financial advice to pursue a career in writing – his lifelong passion. He has partnered with local and global brands to help them grow their businesses and audiences through insightful and innovative content strategy. Jon specialises in creating inspirational and thought-provoking writing that challenges readers to look beyond the confines of “the norm.” He uses dynamic writing styles to convey messages to diverse audiences from all walks of life. He is an avid explorer and loves sharing the world from his perspective with his readers.

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