T2 Green Rose Tea Review

T2 Green Rose Tea Review

Rose is romantic and fragrant, but I can take or leave it when it comes to tea. But T2 Green Rose might be an exception. It’s not just a blend of green tea and rose petals. Instead, it’s juicy and fruity and a little bit tropical while retaining the romance and elegance of soft rose flavours and smooth green tea.

This is my full review of the loose leaf cube version, but you can also find this tea in patterned tea tins and available as pyramid sachet tea bags – they all contain the same tea, as far as I am aware. I’ve also given my best brewing method for this tea below and included a tea recommendation that I think you will love!

T2 Green Rose at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Blend: Green tea with rose petals and assorted fruits
  • Flavour: Tropical sweetness with subtle green tea and a fragrant rose aftertaste

Tropical fruits dominate the flavour, with a smooth and gentle grassy green tea in the background. Just when you’re wondering where the rose went, it swoops in and leaves a delicate and lingering aftertaste that’s quite wonderful.

t2 green tea cube

Full Review – Green Tea with Rose Petals

Izzy's Rating
  • Type: Loose leaf
  • Tea: Green tea
  • Additives: Currants, papaya, rose petals, mango, cornflower petals, artificial flavourings, natural flavourings
  • Flavour Notes: Sweet tropical fruits, papaya, peach, passionfruit, green tea, grassy, smooth, rose perfume
  • Aroma: Rose, peach, grass, pineapple, tropical punch
  • Milk or Lemon: Neither
  • Where to Buy: Amazon

Opening the packet, I’m immediately hit with a sweetness that I wasn’t expecting. I never look at the ingredients list before reviewing a tea, so I was only expecting green tea and rose in the aroma. Instead, I’m met with peaches, pineapples and tropical fruits! It’s sweet and juicy and quite delicious.

This tea brews into a soft orange yellow tea, rather than a green-coloured tea. The aroma from the brew is sadly quite generic. I can only describe it as “tropical punch” because there are no distinct fruit notes to determine.

Thankfully, the flavour has more complex and depth. It comes on in stages. That first sip hits you with sweet tropical notes. I detected peach, papaya and passionfruit notes with a very light and smooth green tea base in the background. This combination of fruit and tea gives it depth and a rounded flavour.

Then, when you least expect it, the rose hits you. It sweeps over you tongue after you’ve swallowed your mouthful and grows with a beautiful fragrance over your senses.

This tea has a silky and soft texture too, not unlike rose petals. It’s hydrating at first when you taste the tropical fruits but becomes drying shortly afterwards. I like this tea a lot; it’s not the delicate afternoon tea I thought it would be, but it’s certainly well-balanced, flavourful, and memorable.

How to Brew Green Rose Tea

To ensure your tea is smooth and bitter-free, you should use water that’s 80°C rather than boiling. The best way to do this is to pour the water into your cup and add a thermometer. If you don’t have a thermometer, just wait 5 minutes after the kettle has boiled to make the tea.

Use 1 teaspoon of leaf per mug. This is roughly 2g of tea – make sure you get a few fruit pieces and petals in the mix. I brewed for 2 minutes to get a good balance of flavours. I wouldn’t recommend brewing for any longer than this. The fruits don’t need long to become overpowering.

T2 Green Rose doesn’t need additional sweetening, lemon, or milk. It’s perfect as-is.

Why T2 UK?

There are aspects of T2 that I love, namely the great flavours and well-balanced blends, and there are things that I dislike. One of those things is the flavouring they use. They use a lot of it! This blend contains both natural and artificial flavourings, as well as sugar and acidifier E330.

loose leaf green tea with rose and tropical fruits

The green tea is also hit and miss. While the flavour is smooth and gentle, the pieces in the blend are mixed. There are tiny flakes and large leaves – this can make brewing it a little risky. Some pieces will brew fast while others will brew slow. One cup may be more bitter than the next.


Whether you love or hate rose is irrelevant, even though this tea is called T2 Green Rose. This blend is sweet, fruity and absolutely smooth when brewed correctly. You should try it! I’ve added a link to this tea on Amazon. You can also find it on T2’s website for your country, if available.

hot stuff pink mug with t2 loose leaf tea

Tea Recommendation

If you like fruit with tea but want something a little more substantial in flavour and caffeine, read my review of Jade Forest Lychee Orchard. It’s a blend of fine Chinese black tea, infused with lychee, and speckled with dried goji berries (one of my new favourite fruits).

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